About Honoring Friend

When my friend Chris Colbert asked me to be a guest on his Insert:Human podcast I was expecting to have a fun and challenging conversation, and he surprised me when he asked how listeners could get a copy of my little Joy book.  I’d written Joy: It's Your Choice, Really more than 15 years ago and had shared it with Chris at the time.  We hadn’t discussed it in years and this little book wasn’t on my radar.

After the podcast I set up HonoringFriend.com.  I’ve been practicing being an honoring friend to myself for a long time and it has helped me better care for myself and others (and made me happier).  A friend helped me chose this expression three or four years ago as we discussed my ongoing writing and learning. 

I’ve been writing about and wrestling with the topics of purpose, self, relationships, joy, freedom, emotion, behavior, and choice for more than 30 years.  Most of my writing is unshared, however my learning from writing has been shared through my actions with myself and others.  My writing helps me reflect, then choose actions in line with my learning.  As my writing evolves, so follows my behavior. 

Listening to myself and others, reflecting on what I’ve heard and choosing to act, engaging, in a new way given my thoughtful deliberation is possible because I have an honoring friend in myself. I have the great good fortune to have met people in the course of my life who have been and are honoring friends to me. I have paid attention to them as best I could, while listening to myself; reflecting, choosing, engaging to learn and have fun.

If you subscribe to my newsletter below, I'll know you are interested in more content. I won't promise regular updates or shared content, but I will email you if I’m ready to share new content or engage in a conversation.

From time to time I will share stories and tools that have helped me learn and grow. I can't promise that these stories and tools will help you.  I promise that I will do my best to be an honoring friend to myself and others who wish to have more joy and freedom in their thoughts, actions, and lives.

You are welcome to contact me at tom@honoringfriend.com. I will respond as promptly and thoroughly as possible.
